Sitemap In Alphabetical Order
Luther Preaches using his Bible Translation while Imprisoned at Wartburg, 1882
Artist: Hugo Vogel
Orientation: Landscape
Madame Adrien Benard (1853-1935) 1928-29
Artist: Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Orientation: Square
Madame Hessel and Lulu in the Dining Room at the Chateau des Clayes
Artist: Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Orientation: Square
Madame Hessel in the Boudoir Rue de Naples
Artist: Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Orientation: Portrait
Madame Hessel in the Boudoir Rue de Naples 2
Artist: Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Orientation: Portrait
Madame Hessel wearing a Hat decorated with Flowers, c.1905
Artist: Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Orientation: Landscape
Madame Miriam Fried (b.1846), the violinist
Artist: Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Orientation: Landscape
Madame Vuillard Arranging her Hair, 1900
Artist: Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Orientation: Portrait